There is still time left to register for the bible camp experience of the year! Come for the entire week or for just a day trip.
There is still time left to register for the bible camp experience of the year! Come for the entire week or for just a day trip.
The Better Together Food Packing event was such a success in 2016 that the Southwest Minnesota Synod of the ELCA has created two more food packing opportunities this summer! The Southwest Minnesota Women of the ELCA worked very hard to raise funds last year for the event, and we are called to do so again. This is a wonderful opportunity to work with our friends and neighbors to fight hunger right in our local towns.
July 12 – Willmar Middle School, Willmar, MN
Click here for more information
How to Donate:
Attn: Better Together Willmar
PO Box 499
Redwood Falls, Mn 56283-0499
Please Make Check out to: SW MN Synod. In “memo” line please write: Better Together Willmar 2017.
How to Volunteer: Click here to sign up for a shift
The Better Together Food Packing event was such a success in 2016 that the Southwest Minnesota Synod of the ELCA has created two more food packing opportunities this summer! The Southwest Minnesota Women of the ELCA worked very hard to raise funds last year for the event, and we are called to do so again. This is a wonderful opportunity to work with our friends and neighbors to fight hunger right in our local towns.
July 25 – American Reformed Church, Worthington, MN
Click here for more information
How to Donate:
Attn: Better Together Worthington
PO Box 499
Redwood Falls, Mn 56283-0499
Please Make Check out to: SW MN Synod. In “memo” line please write: Better Together Worthington 2017.
How to Volunteer: Click here to sign up for a shift
Save the Date!!!
Summer is here! It’s time to think about the
WELCA Summer Retreat
Where: Bethany Lutheran Church in Arco
When: Wednesday, August 9th
Time 8:30 – 1:00
Theme: Angels Around Us
Speaker: Deb Kanergieter will present the program
entitled Angel Gowns. She’s found a creative use
for repurposed wedding gowns.
Pot Luck Noon Meal
No Registration fee…Donation Box available
We hope you’ll join us!
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Registration starts at 8:30 am
Faith Lutheran Church, Becker, MN
Rev. Linda Lagergren
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Registration starts at 5:30 pm
Immanual Lutheran Church, New Auburn, MN
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Augustana Lutheran Church, St. James, MN